Resources for your Event

Fundraising works best when the maximum amount of money is put back into the community. We want your hard earned dollars to go further, which is why we don’t mail out physical kits with posters etc. to our Cuppa for a Cause hosts. To us, your money is better spent helping those in need, rather than on fancy aprons, balloons, flyers or disposable plates. Click on the tabs below to download printable resources for your events.

Looking to Register your event? Register Now!

Cuppa for a Cause 2023 Invitation
Not sure where to start with inviting guests? Simply Download our Event Invitation, fill in the details and send out to your guests, or print the poster and put it up around your space! 
Event Poster

Hosting an event in your office? We've created the perfect poster for your workplace. Download the Event Poster, fill in the details and place around the office.

Where the Funds Go Poster
We want your guests to know where their donations are going. The 'Where the Funds Go' poster outlines how your donation can help our Financially Disadvantaged clients. Download the 'Where the Funds Go' Poster.
Beyond Bank Fun Tea Facts
Did you know that, after water, tea is the worlds most popular drink? Learn more fun tea facts with the Beyond Bank Fun Facts poster.
Email Templates

Not sure what to put into your email invitation, donation email or thank you email? Download the email resources toolkit.

With the email templates: copy and paste text into your email or thank you letter

Fundraising Guide
Need some help planning your event? Download the Cuppa for A Cause Fundraising Guide for tips on how to host a virtual, in-person, office or school 'Cuppa for a Cause' event.
Donation Tracker Click here